Atyeti’s implementation manages the day-today audit tasks from the back office to the front office and integrates seamlessly with existing in-house systems. Atyeti is using Gresham CTC as the tool to facilitate this functionality. The solution leverages leading-edge technology to simplify processes, boost efficiency and reduce operational costs.
"Consolidated Audit Trail tracks orders throughout their life cycle allowing regulators to efficiently track activity."
Business Solution
- Gresham CTC: Atyeti’s solution built upon the Gresham CTC platform develops, implements and maintains a consolidated audit trail that collects and accurately identifies every order, cancellation, modification and trade execution for all exchange-listed equities and options across all U.S. markets.
- Regulatory Reporting: The domain specific actions are required by each regulatory need. Each action is abstracted and transformed by composable steps into each unique workflow, accurately submitting regulatory reports for all CAT related data.
- Governance: The goal is creating reusable ingestion, preparation, and aggregation services that are primarily focused on data management and managing the data lifecycle.
Technical Solution
Hybrid Cloud Data Sync: Sync between private cloud and Azure (feeds ingestion, data transfer, storage, validation).
Data Processing: Auto-scaling cluster is used for batch processing utilizing Azure PaaS offerings.
Identity Management:Implementation of Centrify, Azure AD, and Azure Key Vault
Regulatory Compliance: Exception Management, validation and reporting framework for a daily volume of 30M + trades a day.
UI: Easy-to-use dashboards which allow users to quickly identify, monitor, and manage errors impacting their reports. Allocation using rule based auto categorization engine.
ETL: Strong enrichment capabilities, data validation.
Reporting: Single platform to view your CAT reports
Reconciliation: Ability to manage exceptions on a timely basis.